Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Birthday

to MCKENZIE!!!!!

My little doodle bop turns 8 years old today!
This little girl is growing up just way too fast! My little baby is not so little and not such a baby :)
She is totally adorable and full of attitude! An interesting combo some days. Her best friend is still Emily. They have been friends since they were three and went to preschool together.
McKenzie's plans for this birthday are a little different from past years. Usually her and Emily go to the purple slide McDonald's and then to the Children's Museum. Last year they went to Build A Bear instead and used their Gift Certificates from Christmas. This year....They are going to Jump Around Fun Zone and McDonald's. Jump Around has 4 or 5 inflatable jumpy houses and slides. I have a gift cert. for them that I will use.
Have a great last day of 2009! I will not write again in my blog until next year because I will be very busy the rest of this year! :)
Enjoy the rest of the year!

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