Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas is coming...

Are you ready? Christmas Eve is one week from TODAY!! That means Christmas Day is one week from tomorrow! 8 days! One week and one day! I can't figure out the hours or minutes...I will ask Alexandra when she gets home! :)

I have my home made items left. I think the girls and I will have a Santa's workshop area in our house next week! Set it up and create, create, create!

Tonight we are going to bake and finish homework. I work tomorrow and Saturday.

Have a restful, relaxing, peaceful Thursday!
*Remember: If you don't get it done, you are the only one that will know! :)

1 comment:

  1. No kidding, where does the time go? I won't tell if you don't tell. Yippee!
    Good night,
