Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

Disneyland is tomorrow! It's only a day away......


I got the suitcases out of the garage....

and this is what I found!

I guess I forgot to tell them that I bought them a ticket and they could ride on the airplane with the rest of the passengers. They didn't really have to ride in the suitcases! :)

My plan today is to finish up the packing and make a list of everything that we need from the store. Then tomorrow morning, I will go pick up anything that we don't have. I thought that was easier than shopping, packing, shopping again because I forgot something, repacking because I needed something I had already packed, and then shopping again because we used or lost whatever I had just packed.......

Packing once and shopping once seemed easier. We will see what happens :)

I have to remember that California also has stores. We could probably buy stuff down there!

The cats are trying to sneak in the suitcases. "Hey Molly, I think they are going to notice that you are in there!" says Merlin

In other random, unrelated news....Alexandra has been practicing jumping over her leg. I know, I know....crazy! What made her want to do that you ask....good question! Richard can do it, showed her how to do it, and asked if she could do it. Wellll.....that was all it took. Alexandra practiced and practiced. She landed on her face a couple times, she ran into the doll house that was next to her, but she kept trying and she did it! She has more misses than jumps, but she can do it! She is a determined girl. You give her a challenge and more often than not, she is all over it, and won't give up until she has succeeded!

Off to do daycare and pack some more!

Enjoy your Wednesday!!!