Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

We are having a very Merry Christmas! The girls were up at 6 AM!!! I made them wait in their room until 7am. Then they opened their stockings and then we all opened gifts. They were very excited with what they got. I have to say that the favorite was the Wii. Jay's dad got it for everybody. We have been playing that for most of the morning. We all had to make our Mii's. That was fun. You get to create your own character that plays the game. So far we have bowled, boxed, golfed and took the Wii Fit challenge.
The Wii Fit Challenge was fun. It gave you a test on speed, staminia, and balance. You played baseball, tennis, and bowling. Then it weighed the results and guessed your age on those results. I was 38! That made me happy :) I have never used the Wii before and I was younger than my children who have used it! Alyssa was 39, Jay was 40, McKenzie was 71 and Alexandra was 74!
We are having a fun day! Later today we will be going over to Lesley's for Dinner.
Enjoy your Christmas!

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