Sunday, December 13, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow... long as I don't have to drive anywhere!
I love the snow. The way it turns the world so beautiful and white. The sparkly flakes falling from the sky.
I don't like the ice and slush that comes with it. We only have a couple of inches on the ground, but it is hovering right around the freezing mark and I am afraid it will turn icey! It was pretty icey this afternoon on the way home from church.

Today McKenzie and Alexandra had their Christmas program at church this morning. They were good! They had all their lines memorized and did well. I was able to just watch them during the second service, but I heard the first service was just as good. I love watching the younger kids during performances. They are so cute! :)
Tonight Alyssa sang with Richard and his family in their Christmas program/talent show. She did very well. She was not very loud, so you really had to pay close attention to hear her, but when you did hear her, she was good.

I have pictures (of course!) that I will try to upload and put on here tomorrow, but right now I am very tired and I still have a lot of work to do tonight.
I hope your Sunday was super wonderful!