Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Alex's first track meet

Alex had her first track meet today at Meridian High School.  Her first event (the first of the day) was the hurdles.  She told me that this was the first time she has done the hurdles.  At practice, she jumped over a couple of them, but never 8 in row.  
She did very well!  She didn't trip or fall or knock any over!!  
I am not sure where she placed, but her friend Paige came in first!  Yeah Paige!

After the meet was almost over, Alex participated in her second event, the 1600.  She was the only girl that signed up for it so she got to run with the boys!  Boy, did she show them!  :)  The one in the middle, in black, ran a 5.20 mile!  Super fast!!  Alex didn't run that fast, but she did get first for girls!  :)  She also beat two of the other boys!  Go Alex!

Here she is at the finish line!  Her time was 6.51 which was not her best, but WAY faster than I could do!  I was happy for her! :)

The last event of the day, immediately after she ran the 1600 (which is the mile!) was the 4x200 relay.  She was on a team with Carmel, Annie, and Paige.  They came in first!  (I won't tell you that the other team didn't show up!)  This is Alex taking the hand off from Carmel.

Alex on her way to pass the baton to Annie, who passed it to Paige.  Their time was 2.08.  The record (set last year by 8th graders) was 2.02!! They were so close to beating the record!  Can you imagine how well they would do if Alex wasn't tired from running the mile, Paige didn't just finish the 400m, and Carmel didn't have a hurt knee?!  I am so excited for this season! :)

McKenzie was at soccer practice tonight while Alex was at track.  The girls are both doing the Pre-Ranger tryout camp this week. (Alex went to track instead tonight).
McKenzie is liking the tryout camp even though she has to pretend she doesn't! :)  

Yesterday, McKenzie ran the mile at school.  She came home super excited about her time!  Last fall (2011-4th gr) she ran a 10 something mile.  This fall (2012-5th gr) she ran a 9 something mile.
Yesterday....she ran an 8.28 min mile!!  She has improved so much!  She was so super excited!  

So much for me using her as a running partner!  I can't keep up with her!  I would be lucky to be doing a 10 something mile right now!  :)

Tomorrow is the last day of the pre-Ranger camp!
McKenzie has her science fair on Friday (1:45-2:45) and her make-up soccer game Friday night (6:45) and Math Olympiad on Saturday!  She is going to be one busy tired little girl! :)

I am thinking that Saturday night is going to be movie night and bed early!!

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