Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful there is only 8 months until Christmas!!  :)

I am thankful for this little girl!  She has grown so quickly.  This is her and Teddy.  I am also thankful Ryan shared Teddy for about 2 seconds for this photo before he took teddy away!

I am thankful for the Fishy Store. It is a great field trip.  A fun way to kill a couple of hours.  The boys LOVE the Fishy Store.  Aiden always asks to buy his daddy a fishy whenever we go there because he NEEDS more fishies!  They have a couple of fish tanks at home and are always fixing up, adding to, and changing around their tanks.  I told Aiden that he would have to take his daddy there and let him pick out his own fish.

I am thankful for these two little boys!  I am also thankful for bedtime! :)
I set up both playpens in Mac's room and they go right to sleep!

I am thankful for the sunshine and nice spring weather we are having!

I am thankful for my new printer I bought.  It hooks up to my laptop, so I can print from my laptop now!!

I am thankful that I am making progress (although it is slow progress!) on rearranging my Stampin' Up! area.  I am going through all my fun stuff and it is making me want to create!  I can't wait until it is done so I can PLAY!!

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