Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

There is no other way to describe today, other than Wacky Wednesday!  I had good intentions when I woke up this morning.  I was going to get up and use the treadmill before I took Alex to school.  When I woke up, I heard the rain and the wind, rolled over and went back to bed!  I did not want to get out of bed!  I did, finally, because I had to take Alex to school! :)

I came home and McKenzie and I got ready (her for school and me for work).  It was also a crazy day at work.  I had lots of boxes and zero energy.  I also had to close tonight and I never close in the middle of the week!  I have just been feeling out of sorts all day.  

I am getting ready for Stampin' Up! tomorrow night.  Making sure I have enough supplies for everybody, playing around with a few more cards.  I love sitting down with my paper, ink, stamps, Big Shot, and glitter and coming up with fun cards.  Some days are definitely better than others!  Sometimes I have tons of ideas in my head and they come out perfectly and other times they get stuck in my head and won't come out!  Wacky!!  :)

I will post pictures tomorrow of the cards we will be making.

I will leave you with this adorable picture of Ryan!  He was supposed to be getting in my van, but he went behind their apartment building waving BYE BYE to me.  He was off in search of the puppies that live behind them.  They were sleeping inside and he couldn't find them, so he agreed to come with me.  I know how I rate! :)  Right after puppies...  I still love this little munchkin!!  :)

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