Sunday, April 28, 2013

Busy weekend

Friday, McKenzie had her Science Fair at school.  Her project was "How much does the amount of light affect the heights and healthiness of the plants?"
She spent about six weeks on this project because she had to plant and grow the seeds. She bought 3 different colored containers for her plants.  The dark green one was in the closet with no light. (It grew the longest, but was not healthy) the medium colored one was in the living room with the medium light (they grew ok, but ended up dying) and the light colored pot was in her bedroom window with lots of light (it grew the healthiest and the best).  She planted three of each and took the best one of each for her presentation. I think she did a good job on it.

Saturday morning, she played a half game of soccer and then went to Blaine for the State Math Olympiad.  This is her and her team off to their room to take math tests for three hours!  On a Saturday!  For fun!  :)  Crazy kids!   There were TON of kids there.  They come from all over the state, with most of them private Seattle schools.  I think the girls did good.  There was only two teams from their school that went.  The boys team and their team.  

While we were waiting for her to be done we went for a little walk in the gym and outside. It was pretty yucky out, drizzly and cold, so we didn't stay outside for long.  As we were walking in the gym, Ryan wanted to go outside.  So he headed out, right through this window!  He ran right into it!  He took a step up so he wouldn't trip, but crashed into the window! :)  Crazy boy!
He looked a little startled, but then thought it was funny and started playing in the window.

Today, we went down to the Starfire Field to watch the Rangers play in the finals for State Cup.  The U13 Blue team and the U14 Royal team both played.  Unfortunately the both lost 1-0.  They were good games to watch.  Alex has a lot of friends on the U13 team, so we liked watching that one better, but the U14 game was really well played.

Then home we went with a couple of pit stops to get groceries, cat food and goalie gloves for Alex. (She has decided that she might, maybe, possibly, not for sure, want to be a goalie)  We shall see!

Field trip tomorrow with McKenzie and Physical Therapy with Alexandra.  Fun day for us!  :)

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