Thursday, April 25, 2013

Flashback Friday!

I know this is really Thursday right now, but it is almost Friday and that is what I am going with! :)'s my blog and I can!  

These two pictures are on my fridge and I love looking at them!
This is Alyssa at about 2 or 3 yrs old.  

This is McKenzie and Emily.  I think it was at Emily's 4th birthday party.

They were so cute when they were little!  Now they are growing up and getting all big and stuff! :)

Today I bought a new lawn mower!  My old one is broke and I am now the proud owner of a shiny, red, new lawn mower!  By the time I got home from work, went to the soccer field for soccer training for the girls, went on my walk with mom (while the girls were at soccer), got home and put the lawn mower together (raised the handle :)), went to the gas station for gas for the mower, put the gas and oil in the was dark!  Maybe tomorrow I will be able to mow the lawn!  Otherwise, Saturday for sure!  IF it is not raining! :)

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