Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy April!

Yesterday was the last day of Spring Break for the girls.  I had to work all week and they had soccer all week except for Friday.  Saturday was a soccer day, and Sunday (yesterday) was our FUN DAY!  :)

I gave the girls two choices, Jammie Day at home or go out and do something....

Here we are at Chuck E Cheese!
This place was packed!!  They had about 4 or 5 birthday parties plus regular Sunday afternoon craziness!  Should have gone at a different time!  The girls had fun though.  We didn't stay too long....

Then off to the other side of the mall where we watched this movie....
It was ok.  Not the best I've seen, but not the worst either.  The girls thought it was ok too.  There really are not a lot of good movies out there.  We enjoyed our popcorn and lemonade, got our free refill and then headed home.

I have tons of pictures on my camera to go through and catch up on, but for now, here are some phone camera highlights of our week.

I had the kids for a couple hours on Saturday.
Ryan grabbed Alex's camera, climbed up on the couch to see Elizabeth, and held the camera over her saying, "CHEESE!"  
p.s.  Look at her cute little slippers!!

Aiden loves his little sis.  He calls her Lizzy.  If you ask him what her name is, he says Elizabeth. :)

Alexandra is branching out!  She has now made herself a pair of slippers, and a matching pair for Elizabeth!!  

How cure are they!!

I had the kids at the mall with me Thursday night while McKenzie was at soccer practice. (Alyssa was taking her drive test)  Aiden was in the stroller while Ryan was running wild (they took turns!) and Aiden wanted to hold his sis.  He was being goofy about getting his picture taken though.  This is the best snapshot I could get!  :)

Easter afternoon.  After we came home, Alex decided to see if she could light some dandelions on fire.  She had heard that they change colors if you set them on fire.  McKenzie brought out the cup of water just in case they needed it.  Such a thoughtful girl!
They ended up not being able to light any on fire...but they sure tried!  I came home to a huge pile of dead dandelions on the sidewalk.

Here is Katherine and Elizabeth on Easter Sunday.  It was so warm and sunny out!  It was over 70!!  The weather slowly got cooler and wetter as the week went on....back to our normal Spring weather! :)

Have a great day!!

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