Monday, April 29, 2013

Field Trip with McKenzie

Today McKenzie went on a field trip to Cherry Point with her class.  They are studying tidal creatures.  They have to find and document different tidal creatures.  I got to be a chaperon. :)

Her and Lucy discussing the different animals they saw.

McKenzie and Claire documenting some of their animals.


We saw a lot of starfish!

They tried to pick up the starfish that they found, but they were not moving!!  Their suckers were sucked on there good!!  :)

It was such a fun afternoon.  Very, very windy and a bit cool, but it didn't seem to faze many of the students!  The parents were quite chilly and most of them stayed in their cars to warm up!

The weather is supposed to be really nice and warm all week! I am so excited!  I have lots of yard work to do and maybe some sunshine will get me motivated!  I did mow the front yard this afternoon.  I just have the side and back yard to do...and then the front...and the side....and then the back....and then the front....  :)  it just never ends!

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