Sunday, April 13, 2014

Busy soccer weekend and hanging out with the grandkids!

The weather this weekend was fantabulous!!  Sunday was the nicer of the two, but Saturday was also beautiful.  We went to Renton on Saturday for Alex's soccer game.  They ended up with a tie (0-0).  We played better than the other team and had control of the ball more, we just couldn't put it in the net.   We ended up with three ties and a shutout win, which still gives us enough points to move on to the quarter finals.  I am not sure where we play, but the game will be on the 26th.  All of my pictures are still on my camera from the weekend games, but I will get them done soon.

McKenzie played today.  It was a home game and they lost.  They played Seattle United (who were very good!) and they fought very hard and did very well against them.  Our goalie had an own goal to give Seattle their first point, and then she let three more go right by her without even trying to stop them in the next 3 min.  Thankfully it was then half time and they got a chance to get a pep talk and regroup.  They played the next half really well again only giving up 2 goals for a final score of 6-0.  They have one more game (on the 26th) and then their season will be done.

This is the before and after picture of my front yard.  It was getting a little long :)  It seems to go from a little long to super long overnight.  When we left for soccer yesterday, our whole neighborhood had long grass.  Apparently they also had a lawn mowing party, because when I came home last night, all the lawns were nice and short except for mine!  I ran to the gas station to get gas for the mower, but it was too late last night to mow.  After we came home from McKenzie's game though...I mowed it all down!

Such long grass!!

Now to keep up on it!  It grows so quickly during the spring and the first part of summer, with the sun/rain/sun/rain that we have.  Once July hits, it usually turns brown and I only have to mow the weeds down a little bit.  The problem I had with mowing the yard and having my grass all nice and short is that now my flower/weed beds look terrible!!  Another project for another day! :)

Ryan and Maximus!  
Ryan just loves his kitty! (yes, Maximus is asking to get down!)

Alyssa and Richard had softball practice tonight so I got to hang out with these cuties tonight!  McKenzie came with me to hang out with them and Alexandra went to youth group with some friends.  

We played with chalk in the driveway.  Rode scooters.

We went for a walk and found noisy things to jump on.

We came back to the house for a juice break and I couldn't resist taking a picture of Maximus all curled up on the chair.  It looked like he was posing! :)

We went for another walk.  Aiden rode his skateboard for a little while.  (yes, he did go get his helmet!)

The dirt pile.  Boys and dirt.  Cars, rocks, sticks, and dirt.  Very happy little boys played here for about 20 minutes.  They loved every minute of it.  The only reason they left was for a water break!

I love it when they play nice together!

We also found a house that hasn't mowed their beautiful yellow flowers.  It made these two very happy!

Aiden loved to throw rocks over the fence into the water down below.  He was a pretty good shot!  I was surprised at how far he could throw.

It was a great weekend.  Lots of sun and fun.  (We even got a little sunburned this weekend!)  Time to stock up on the sunscreen again!  AND rememeber to put it on!!!

Off to get ready for the week ahead!

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