Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Track meets and soccer games

Alex had her first track meet last week at Nooksack.  She competed against Lynden & Nooksack.  She had an amazing first meet.  She does the 800m, the 1600m, and the 4x200m relay.

There are not a lot of girls that participate in the longer runs, but she loves them!  That also means there is not a lot of competition.  In the 800m, there was only three girls.  Her coach told her to pace with the Lynden girl and then pass her in the last lap and sprint to the finish.  After the race was over, she told her coach, "Well, that was a nice warm up run!  The Lynden girl was so slow!"   

She came in first with a time of 2:48.  She is going to try and get 2:35 in her next meet (tomorrow).  

In the 1600m there were only 4 girls running so they got to run with the girls.  Alex doesn't like that because the 4x200 relay is RIGHT after the 1600m and she gets a little tired doing the two back to back.  However, she loves them both and keeps doing them!  She does love running with the boys because it gives her some competition and makes her run faster!

She especially loves it when she beats the boys! :)

Coming in first for girls with a mile time of 6:16!  Not her personal best, but very close! Her goal this year is a 6 min mile.  I know she can do it!

This is her relay team.  They are amazing!  They came in first.  They have great handoffs and Alex and Paige have amazing speed.  Alex runs the third leg and catches up to the first place team and then Paige runs the final leg and passes everybody to come in first.  So much fun to watch!

The second meet was at Blaine (last night!)  
This is Alex coming in first for the 800m.  She didn't try very hard, but she said that at Thursdays meet, she is going to try for a 2:35 800m.  I am excited to see if she can!

I love this one of the start of the 1600m.  I love that I caught the smoke from the starting gun.
Again, there was only one other girl so they ran with the boys.

The two Vista boys in front of Alex are pretty fast and she kept pace with them the whole time!  

This is the final lap and they pulled ahead a little bit, but she didn't give up!

It was a photo finish!!  The Blaine boy was not about to get beat by a girl and gave it his best shot.  (Alex did beat him by .02 seconds but he went in front of her anyway.  She let him because they were so close and she still came in first for girls and he was still 3rd for boys and it was so close!  If it was a girl behind her, she said she would have run faster to make sure she beat her!)
She finished with a time of 6:03!!!  She almost beat her goal!  She is going to try to beat 6 min tomorrow.

This is the hand off during the relay

She came from far back to pass this girl and the girl in front of her.  She caught the team up and handed off to Paige and Paige ran like the wind to get even farther ahead.  They came in first with a time of 2:05!  The record they want to beat is 2:02.  We shall see what happens on Thursday!!

Now for the soccer!!
GU14 Blue Rangers April 2014
This is the before the game shot.  They are in the Challenge Cup.  They played four game and the teams with the highest points goes to the quarter finals.  They made it!  This was the quarter final game.  It was a nail biter!  Each team wants to win to advance to the semi finals and both teams played so good!

The other team had a corner kick and if you look closely, you can see that Alex blocked the ball with her head.  Actually, it was with the side of her face! OUCH!!  Our goalie was ready for the ball in case Alex missed it, but she knocked it out of the way!

As a defender, Alex does the throw ins.  I love her expression in this picture as she is telling her team to get into position and open up for her to throw the ball.

I love watching her play.  She has such intensity and determination.  And she sticks out her tongue! :)

The game was tied 0-0 at the end.  Since it was a quarter final and the winning team advances, there had to be a winner.  So......overtime!  They played 20 min of overtime.  They played 10 min, switched sides and played 10 more min.  At the end of overtime the score was still tied 0-0.  There still has to be a winner, so that means the dreaded PKs!! 
 They are so stressful to watch and even more stressful for the players and the goalies!  
Our goalie made some amazing saves!  Each team gets 5 shots.  Only the players on the field at the end of the game get to participate.  They line up according to who gets the first shot, second shot, etc.  If after the five shots are taken and they are still tied, they let the sixth person shoot and then the seventh, until there is a winner.  Thankfully, we didn't have to go that far.  

Alex was number 6 in line.  She is watching and praying that Jordyn makes her shot and we win and she doesn't have to shoot!

I love this shot!  Right after Jordyn made the shot and we WON 4-3!!!!!  all the girls ran up to her laughing and hugging her!  And then they did it to the goalie too!  It was an amazing game!!  This means they go the the semi finals this weekend (Sat) and then if they win that the finals are on Sun.  It will be a busy weekend for sure, but also exciting!

This is the team picture I took after the won the game!  I love that they are so excited and happy!
Go Rangers!!

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