Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring break is over and now it's back to school...

Actually we still have two more days (Saturday and Sunday) but we have two soccer games tomorrow and Sunday will be going to church in the morning, cleaning a house in the afternoon and getting ready for the week ahead.
I got to babysit and kitty sit last night.  Alyssa and Richard went out to dinner and bowling with friends so I got to hang out with the three cutest kids and the bestest kitty
We had a fun night.  We watched the movie CARS and read stories and played with cars and ate banana bread for dessert and played with Maximus and had fun!!  :)

Maximus came over and snuggled with me and then woke up and started to attack my hand.  His tiny little teeth and claws tickled.  After a couple of minutes, mid-attack, he fell asleep!  With my finger in his teeth! :)  Then he woke up and curled up in my neck and fell asleep.

We might try to go to the tulips this weekend, but with soccer I am not sure we are going to have enough time.  I tried to go on Tuesday, but the website said they weren't ready yet.  They were hoping that they would be ready this weekend.  I will check the website and see what the weather and the tulips are like this weekend.  I hope they both cooperate with me! :)

I am off to pack for soccer tomorrow and get ready for some sunshine! :)  Have a great weekend!

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