Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New haircut(s)

Monday night, McKenzie wanted her hair cut.  She was thinking about donating her hair again, but after measuring it, it was going to be to short.  She wanted it to be shoulder length after it was cut, but that was only 8 inches off.  They wanted 9-11 inches which would have given her a really cute bob, but that wouldn't fit into a pony.  :)
We didn't have enough time before soccer on Monday, so we scheduled an appointment for Tuesday at JCPenny.  The hairdresser we got was so nice!  She talked to McKenzie about what she wanted, listened to McKenzie, and gave McKenzie a perfect haircut.  McKenzie LOVES her haircut!  She couldn't stop playing with her hair last night.  :)

The after shampoo, before haircut picture!

Almost done.  She took off about 4-5 inches and gave her some layers.  The hairdresser was so nice that I went in today to get my hair done by her!  I haven't been to a hairdresser for a haircut in FOREVER.  I went in and told her a bit about my hair and what I didn't want in a haircut and she worked her magic!  She only took a couple inches off and gave me a few layers, but it looks good.  I really like it!  I will definitely be going back to her again!  I didn't get pictures because my phone died, but I will take some in the morning.

Last night I went to coffee with a friend and this is the mountain view I had on my way there.  So beautiful!

Our coffee date was amazing!  We had a peach scone (that we split) and some hot tea.  It was fun to get together during the week.  We usually make it on Sunday nights, but we had a celebration to celebrate so we went on Tuesday night!  So much fun!!  And the scone was DELICIOUS!!! 

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