Saturday, April 19, 2014


We made it to the tulip fields today!!  I wasn't sure if we were going to make it today because of the weather, but we went for it anyway! 
(These were taken with my phone.  I haven't taken the other pictures of my camera yet.)

The weather was overcast (which is great for pictures!) and windy (which is not great for the hairdos!) and it was a little bit chilly.  There were quite a bit of people, even for a yucky day, but not a ton like it would have been on sunny day.  Last weekend we drove by on our way to soccer and the traffic was TERRIBLE!!!  There was hardly any traffic.  The tulips were beautiful.  So many pretty colors, I am excited to see how my pictures turned out! :)

After our tulip tour, we went to Red Robin to warm up and eat dinner.  Yummy food!  The girls splurged and Alex had a freckled lemonade and McKenzie had a root beer float! 
After we came out of the restaurant, it was POURING rain.  We timed our day just right!!

We had a great day and had a ton of fun.  

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