Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Knock knock jokes & brain teasers

Tonight when the girls and I were in the livingroom (they were doing homework (sort of) and I was working on my computer) McKenzie found some brain teasers and knock knock jokes.  No, that was not part of her homework!

Q:  What do you get when you eat yeast and shoe polish?

A:  When you wake up, you rise and shine!

We got to laughing so hard, we were all crying!

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?

A:  An Im-pasta!


Q: What always goes up, but never comes down?

A: Your age


Q: What has a head, a foot, and four legs?

A: A bed

Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?

A: Smiles.  It has a mile between each S.  :)


Q:  What do you call a guy who doesn't fart in public?

A:  A private tooter.

McKenzie had a whole list of them and we read them for about 20 minutes!  It was even funnier when she read the joke wrong or forgot to read the punchline! :)  We had such a good time!

In other news...

I am getting closer with my pictures.  I am in 2013 photos now, I have finished with the 2012 photos.  I have also finished two more games and uploaded them to share with the other parents.

Easter is Sunday!!  I can't believe it is almost here!  I knew it was going to be near the end of April, but since April JUST started, I knew it was still a long way away.  But...nope!  It is on Sunday.  The girls were asking what we are doing this year and I think we are going to stay home and just not go anywhere or do anything.  There is no soccer because of it being Easter (yeah!!)  and I have sooo much I want to get done here at home.  I am hoping for nice weather to get some outside work done, but I have lots of inside work to do if the weather is not nice.  I will hide some eggs for the girls to find (I have tons!!) and we may pop over to see Alyssa and family if they are home, but I think not going anywhere sounds good!

Off to bed!  Long day tomorrow.

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