Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday - A day of rest

Today is a day of rest.  We are catching up on homework (the girls (actually Alex!)) catching up on housework, planning meals for the week, and I am still going through my photos.  The photos are a never ending job!!  I am trying to find a better system for my photos and keep up with it.  

These are from about 4 years ago when Aiden was a baby.  I think that was the last time we went.  I know it has been awhile.  I remember one year was so rainy that we never made it.  A couple of years we had so many soccer conflicts, that we never made it then either.  I am hopeful that this year we will get a chance and the weather will cooperate with us.  
My little family :)

Alyssa with her new mommy yawn! :)

Aiden :)

I love all the colors of the tulips in the fields.  They make beautiful backgrounds in pictures and they are gorgeous to photograph by themselves.  I have been playing around with manual settings on my camera these last couple weeks.  I am getting more keepers than not.  I am still deleting a ton of photos that are not turning out how I want, but I am keeping more and more each time!  I am hoping to be able to post some this week, but I still have a ton of photos to go through on my computer first.

I am off to enjoy the last few hours of Spring Break!  I may even mow my lawn :)

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