Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Soccer & more!

Our Saturday started with us being on the soccer field by 7:30am for McKenzie's 8am game.  They played the red WDL team and tied it 2-2.  

After her game we picked up the kids so Alyssa could help Richard on the house for a few hours.  Alex had her game at 1, so we left at 11:30 to get out to Lummi by 12:15 for warm ups.  Alex's coach was on vacation, so we had Marc (the Gold team coach) as our coach today.  They played awesome!!  Another win!! 2-1!!  Yeah! Our girls are so excited.  Annie scored both of the goals, but Alex almost got a couple of goals from her defense position.  Marc said he usually gives the player of the game to the high scorer, but today ALEX was PLAYER OF THE GAME!!  She was so excited. She played very well.
                                            ALEX - PLAYER OF THE GAME!

 The boys were "fishing" during Alex's game.  They would grab "fish" (rocks) and try to put them back in the water (the drain).  Then they put the "fish" in a bag. Then dumped them out. Then picked them up.  :)

They kept super busy for most of the soccer game with their "fishing".

We ran into my work after soccer to show Elizabeth to Jen.  She hadn't met Elizabeth yet and I told her I would stop by.  

I also talked to Lesley today. (Quite a few different times!)  After we dropped the kids off at their home, we drove over to Lesley's new house.  We got the tour of the goats, chickens, turkeys, & dogs.  We also met the snake.  :)  She has quite the collection of pets now! We also met Tom (the person, not a pet! :))

Then we met this fun little family over at Tennent Lake for a quick (not really that quick!) walk around the boardwalk.

Aren't they just so cute?!?!

 This little guy is so cute!!  This is his latest...Where is ???  There ??? is!!  He was looking for Xandra in this picture.  He was very happy her found her!

 The boys even got a little fishing in!  They love fishing!!  Aiden is using a stick and no bait, but he "caught" lots of fun things!

 All three boys are trying to catch fish.  Ryan caught "bibbits" (frogs) and bugs.

                                              The girls at the bottom of the tower.
                                               The boys at the top of the tower!

After Tennent Lake, we stopped by McDonalds for a treat (and some late dinner) then home to bed!!!

A super fun, packed, hot, long day!!  We loved it!  The weather was so beautiful out!  At one point  I saw that it was 67 degrees out!!  YES!!!

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