Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Break

Our spring break started Friday at 2:30 when the girls were out of school.  McKenzie went to see her teacher from last year after school with a friend and then we came home and got ready for weekend soccer!

Alex had two games this weekend.  They tied both of them.  It was a very rainy weekend and the games were pretty wet.  On Saturday, we drove down to Sammamish for the game.  I had a car load of girls and it was pretty fun.  They watched Frozen on the way down and listened to Disney songs on the way home!  I love that 14 year olds still love Disney! :)  

After we got home on Saturday, these three cuties came over to spend the night!  Richard had a birthday party with friends so they got to hang out with Grandma!!  We watched Frozen :) and had dinner, popcorn and M&M's.  Then we had BATH TIME!!  The boys LOVE bath time!  They run down the hallway leaving random pieces of clothing behind them.  Here a sock, there a shirt, next is a pair of pants...a little trail of clothes that lead to two little nakie bodies with their socks on, ready for bath time! :)  They make me smile!  Elizabeth is catching on to this game...She doesn't take off the clothes yet, but she hightails it down the hallway as fast as she can and tries to climb in, fully clothed. 
Rub-a-dub-dub three cute grandkids in a tub!!!

When Alyssa came over on Sunday to pick up the kids, she brought over Maximus.  He is six weeks old and is the cutest, smallest kitty ever! :)  

Katherine came home for a week visit.  She came home on Wednesday and went straight to camping with friends.  After they came home on Sunday, we met at Lorenzo's for some yummy dinner.  It was fun to hang out and catch up.  Mom, Dad, Mike, Katherine, the girls and I all met there.

I was dumping my pictures on my computer and since I didn't have very much room on my computer, I was going through all of my pictures and deleting and moving them.  Merlin decided to help me.  He wanted on my lap and I told him no.  This was his compromise.  He kept inching over, closer and closer, until he was almost on my lap.  Silly kitty.  It makes it very hard to use my hand with a cat on it!

Today, we went in to the mall before McKenzie's soccer practice.  The girls wanted to go shopping and look around for a bit.  Alex has been looking at curling wands since before Christmas.  She has asked all her friends what kind they use, where they got it, how they liked it.  She has been finding out prices and where the best deal to get them is.  At the mall today, the kiosk with the curling wand had a 50% off sale and they did their hair for them.  We took our money that we had been saving for a curling wand/straightener and bought the set! :) 

Very beautiful girls!

I am not sure what the rest of our week holds.  I know I have a few things to get done.  I think mostly it will be relaxing and play it by ear. McKenzie went over to Emily's tonight to spend the night.  Alex's friend asked her to come over Wed-Sun, so we will see.  They still have soccer practice and games this week.  I hope the sun and nice weather hold out for most of the week.

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