Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy Birthday
Monday, December 28, 2009
Homemade Snuggies
This is the homemade Suggie that Katherine made for Dexter. It is very hard to make a snuggie for a tall person, but I think Katherine did a pretty good job :) His arms will not get cold. At all. I was sitting down on the floor and looking up at him so the picture is more extreme than it probably would be. I still think that she did a fabulous job!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Here is the most normal-est family picture of everybody today. I am excited that we were able to take a picture of all of us! It is very rare now with us all working different shifts and some of us (Mikey!) living so very far away! :) It took a bit of bribing, arm twisting, and duct tape to get them all to stand in some sort of order and smile at the camera, but we did it! :)
I love my crazy family!
Have a Merry Christmas! It is off to work tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
The Wii Fit Challenge was fun. It gave you a test on speed, staminia, and balance. You played baseball, tennis, and bowling. Then it weighed the results and guessed your age on those results. I was 38! That made me happy :) I have never used the Wii before and I was younger than my children who have used it! Alyssa was 39, Jay was 40, McKenzie was 71 and Alexandra was 74!
We are having a fun day! Later today we will be going over to Lesley's for Dinner.
Enjoy your Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Jammies
These are the Christmas Jammies the girls got this year. They are not feetie jammies like they wanted (especially Alyssa!) but the stores sold out of their sizes really early! So I chose these ones instead. They were very excited to get them. I think they are pretty cute! :)
Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas Eve! Tomorrow is the big day! YIPEE! Christmas is here! The stockings are hung, the plate of cookies is ready for Santa, the reindeer have their carrots, Santa has a glass of milk and water along with two letters, most of the gifts are under the tree. We are just waiting for Santa to fill their stockings and leave his presents under the tree. I think I will go to bed now so that he has plenty of time to come :)
Have a Merry Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas tomorrow!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
It's a Cats' Life!
Merlin is such a cat! You can do almost anything to him and he doesn't really care. Alyssa bought this hat and scarf at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney. She tried them on Merlin. He liked them. :) He kept them on for a while before he started twitching his ears and trying to get the hat off. He left the scarf on for quite awhile! Crazy cat!
It's a bird
This is the end of the balloon they were kicking. Brian would hold it up and they would try to kick it. It looks like it would really, really hurt! Only Alexandra and McKenzie were doing it. Alyssa said no way! So did I! :)
Oh to be that flexable again!
Papa came down to exchange Christmas gifts and he got to play with the girls for a little while. They kicked a HUGE balloon that Alexandra had in her magic kit. They got wore out! Lots of fun and they slept well! :)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas is coming...
I have my home made items left. I think the girls and I will have a Santa's workshop area in our house next week! Set it up and create, create, create!
Tonight we are going to bake and finish homework. I work tomorrow and Saturday.
Have a restful, relaxing, peaceful Thursday!
*Remember: If you don't get it done, you are the only one that will know! :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
School is on time...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I hope the rain comes pretty quickly to wash this snow away. I also hope it stays warm and does not freeze. The freezing rain we had last night was not fun! I was able to drive ok. I didn't slip and slide tooo much, but it was NOT fun to drive in it. I did have lots of fun shopping though! I was able to get most of my list checked off. I just have stocking stuffers and Santa to finish up. And then all of the homemade stuff. Since nobody knows about the homemade stuff, they won't know if I got it done or not. They may be getting gift certificates for their homemade item in January!
Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Can you tell what McKenzie's favorite animal is?
Did you guess elephant?
She bought this outfit at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney. I bought her the little elephant in her hand. This is Tuki the elephant. She loves this outfit and she LOVES elephants! She is always on the lookout for elephants. Elephant books, toys, stuffed animals (she would get a real one if I let her!), clothes, and anything else she can find.
She is just too cute!
Two hours late...
This is most of the Sunday School class doing the Christmas Play. Great job guys! I loved that the wise guys wandered around the sanctuary "following" the star before they found baby Jesus!
Have a great Monday! Stay safe on those slippery roads!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...
I love the snow. The way it turns the world so beautiful and white. The sparkly flakes falling from the sky.
I don't like the ice and slush that comes with it. We only have a couple of inches on the ground, but it is hovering right around the freezing mark and I am afraid it will turn icey! It was pretty icey this afternoon on the way home from church.
Today McKenzie and Alexandra had their Christmas program at church this morning. They were good! They had all their lines memorized and did well. I was able to just watch them during the second service, but I heard the first service was just as good. I love watching the younger kids during performances. They are so cute! :)
Tonight Alyssa sang with Richard and his family in their Christmas program/talent show. She did very well. She was not very loud, so you really had to pay close attention to hear her, but when you did hear her, she was good.
I have pictures (of course!) that I will try to upload and put on here tomorrow, but right now I am very tired and I still have a lot of work to do tonight.
I hope your Sunday was super wonderful!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Disneyland Tree
The countdown is on! Christmas is TWO WEEKS from TODAY!!! Are you ready? You have 14 days until Christmas day!! Stocking Stuffers? Presents? Baking? Last minute gifts for those people that drop over and give you a gift that weren't on your list? :)
I am sorta, kinda ready. I have lists made, ideas in my head, most supplies ready, I just need some more time! :)
It is now time to get ready for school and work. :( No rest for the weary! (and I AM weary!)
Have a super great fabulous Friday!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mary Poppins
I was so super excited to see Mary Poppins! Julie Andrews is one of my very favorite actresses! (I know this isn't really her!) I think I was worse that the kids, stalking these characters! I kept saying, "Let's go girls! There is _______! We have to go stand in that line now!" They played along with me :) and stood in the lines and got their pictures taken and autographs in our autograph book. I think they had just as much fun as I did! :)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
We're Back!!
I love this picture of McKenzie and Eeyore! We were able to see lots of Characters. We had our pictures taken with them and were able to get most of their autographs.
The girls and I went to Toon Town on Staurday before Alyssa and Kendy got over there. We had our picture taken with Donald. We had seen him earlier the day before, but were not able to get pictures of us with him. The next day, we were told that he is pretty hard to get pictures with, because he is not out very often. That made Alyssa sad because he was the one she wanted her piture with the most and we didn't see him again.
We went to California Adventure on Sunday. We started there because we hadn't been there yet. We went to Soaring over California first. Fun ride! We all really liked that one. Then we saw Lightning McQueen and To-Mater. They were so cool, however, they would not "auto"graph our books for us! :)
We had a super fun time! I will get more pictures ready and share a few more over the next few days. I am uploading them to right now and will email the password to a few people to see all of the pictures. :)
Have a great Tuesday! It's back to the real world for me!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Today is the day! I am 93 1/2% packed. Camera's are ready, food is ready, clothes are ready, carry on's are almost ready, and spending money is ready.
Girls are up, Alyssa is off to school, the girls are getting ready, and I am on the computer. I should be getting ready for the day, but I thought I would update this one last time before vacation.
Have a great weekend!!! We will!!! :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
The cats are trying to sneak in the suitcases. "Hey Molly, I think they are going to notice that you are in there!" says Merlin
In other random, unrelated news....Alexandra has been practicing jumping over her leg. I know, I know....crazy! What made her want to do that you ask....good question! Richard can do it, showed her how to do it, and asked if she could do it. Wellll.....that was all it took. Alexandra practiced and practiced. She landed on her face a couple times, she ran into the doll house that was next to her, but she kept trying and she did it! She has more misses than jumps, but she can do it! She is a determined girl. You give her a challenge and more often than not, she is all over it, and won't give up until she has succeeded!
Off to do daycare and pack some more!
Enjoy your Wednesday!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Happy December!!
I am super excited! It is starting to feel real now that it is December. I got the suitcases out of the garage last night. I even opened them. But that is all. They are still empty. Today I will get the summer-y clothes out and pick out a couple outfits. And find the swimming suits. And figure out spending and food money.
It is time to continue on with my day.
I have already....
Washed a load of laundry
Done a load of dishes
Change a stinky diaper
Fixed breakfast for 4 kids
Reminded the daycare moms about this week (like they could forget!)
...and this was all done before 8 am! I am not even going to post my to-do list for today!
Have a great Tuesday!!
PS. Soccer is at 6:40 at the Sportsplex tonight!! I have AWANA so I won't be there :(
Monday, November 30, 2009
I did it!
McKenzie took this one of mom and Joyce. As I was taking pictures and looking at everybody who was here on Thanksgiving, I realized that in Feb. there will be FIVE generations! We will have to get a picture of that! (of course!)
Have a great Monday!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I also have to dig out some of our summery clothes in case in gets warm. It is usually around 65 or 70 down there this time of the year, so we will be bringing at least one pair of capris.
I have been online looking at Disneyland websites. Some of them are so cool. I was able to find one with the schedule of special happenings while we are there. So we can preplan some of our special activities.
We have a ride to the airport (Lesley) and a ride home from the airport (Katherine), so that part is taken care of. I am going to have the girls pack their carry-on bags today, because they are so excited to start packing and this way they can pack and unpack to their hearts content without messing up the real packing! :)
I have to round up addresses to mail postcards to while we are down there. And bring postage.
I have to get some easy to pack snacks.
I have to make sure my cameras and phones are charged up (and bring chargers with me) and my camera cards are empty!
Wow! Lots to do! I should probably not be on the computer :)
Have a Fabulous Sunday!! :)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Have a great Saturday and stay dry!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
My cameras got passed around quite a bit. I am not sure who took this one! :)
I had a great Thanksgiving yesterday! Super yummy food! Fun family! No fights broke out! :) Grandpa Bob came down yesterday for 8 days. Him and McKenzie were so funny! I think he got a huge kick out of her. She was wearing her beautiful purple Christmas dress and she kept walking by him and smiling. Or she would walk behind the couch by me and look at him and smile. They kept sneaking in hugs and smiles most of the night! Totally cute! :)
McKenzie and Grandpa Bob :)
McKenzie took my camera for a bit. She was going crazy! (She learned from the best! ) She took this one. I like it! :)
Michael and Katherine were there. Mom and Dad, Me, Alyssa, Alexandra, and McKenzie, Lesley and Derek showed up, and Joyce came after she got off of work, and Grandpa Bob came down. Richard was there for a few minutes. He came by to pick Alyssa up for a movie. They went to go see Blind Side. It was supposed to be a very good movie. It is about football and it has been sold out almost every showing! Mom and I went to go see it on Sunday, but it was sold out. We will get to see it soon, I hope.
Have a great Friday! We leave in less than 1 week!!!!