Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

I didn't get up at the crack of dawn this year. I had to work from 10-6 so I thought I would get a little extra rest before shopping and working. I left about 8am and went to Target. They had a couple of things I wanted and I had a Target charge card :) I was able to get the couple of things I wanted and I only had to stand in line for about 20 min or so. After Target, I went to the Family Christian Bookstore. I remembered I had a $20 gift certificate :) plus their coupons! I got a couple of cd's for $5 for stocking stuffers. I still made it to work on time too! :)

My cameras got passed around quite a bit. I am not sure who took this one! :)

I had a great Thanksgiving yesterday! Super yummy food! Fun family! No fights broke out! :) Grandpa Bob came down yesterday for 8 days. Him and McKenzie were so funny! I think he got a huge kick out of her. She was wearing her beautiful purple Christmas dress and she kept walking by him and smiling. Or she would walk behind the couch by me and look at him and smile. They kept sneaking in hugs and smiles most of the night! Totally cute! :)

McKenzie and Grandpa Bob :)

McKenzie took my camera for a bit. She was going crazy! (She learned from the best! ) She took this one. I like it! :)

Michael and Katherine were there. Mom and Dad, Me, Alyssa, Alexandra, and McKenzie, Lesley and Derek showed up, and Joyce came after she got off of work, and Grandpa Bob came down. Richard was there for a few minutes. He came by to pick Alyssa up for a movie. They went to go see Blind Side. It was supposed to be a very good movie. It is about football and it has been sold out almost every showing! Mom and I went to go see it on Sunday, but it was sold out. We will get to see it soon, I hope.

Have a great Friday! We leave in less than 1 week!!!!

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