Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well, we are not really ready to pack yet, but I will be doing lots of laundry so that we will have clean clothes to wear! :) I am sure everybody will be happy with that :)
I also have to dig out some of our summery clothes in case in gets warm. It is usually around 65 or 70 down there this time of the year, so we will be bringing at least one pair of capris.
I have been online looking at Disneyland websites. Some of them are so cool. I was able to find one with the schedule of special happenings while we are there. So we can preplan some of our special activities.
We have a ride to the airport (Lesley) and a ride home from the airport (Katherine), so that part is taken care of. I am going to have the girls pack their carry-on bags today, because they are so excited to start packing and this way they can pack and unpack to their hearts content without messing up the real packing! :)
I have to round up addresses to mail postcards to while we are down there. And bring postage.
I have to get some easy to pack snacks.
I have to make sure my cameras and phones are charged up (and bring chargers with me) and my camera cards are empty!

Wow! Lots to do! I should probably not be on the computer :)

Have a Fabulous Sunday!! :)