Monday, November 30, 2009

I did it!

I managed to post something every day in November! I wanted to see if it was possible for me to post something each day, and I made it! :)

I am working on my "to pack" list and I am checking it twice! Any suggestions on what to pack? Any souvenier requests? :)

Here are some more pictures of Thanksgiving. It was a great time.

McKenzie got a hold of my camera...she is a little paparazzi in training! I am so proud of her :) She went around and took at least 5 picutres of each person, in rapid succession! I think everybody was seeing white flashes of light for awhile!

I was able to take a couple of pictures myself, but I think only a couple. Katherine was trying out my little camera because she is looking to buy a new one. Michael tried out both of my cameras because he was sitting next to me! :) Grandpa Bob watched most of the pictures being taken, and I think even took a couple. I think he took this one of McKenzie and Katherine.

McKenzie took this one of mom and Joyce. As I was taking pictures and looking at everybody who was here on Thanksgiving, I realized that in Feb. there will be FIVE generations! We will have to get a picture of that! (of course!)

Have a great Monday!