Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for getting to sleep ALL night!  I feel so much better than yesterday.  It is amazing what a full night of uninterrupted sleep will do for you! :)

I am thankful for healthy kids!  Especially the one who let me sleep all night! :)  She is not up yet, but this is the first time she has not been up during the night for over a week!  :)

 I am thankful for my camera!  I love to take pictures like these from last year!

I am thankful that this is the last day of January and I have successfully taken a picture AND wrote in my journal EVERY DAY this month!  Now I get to print out my pictures and put them in my scrapbook...

I am thankful that these two are still best friends!  They have been best friends since they were 3 and went to preschool.  Now they are both 5th graders.

I am thankful for trips to the zoo to see the wild animals.  Even the one pictures above that came home with me!  :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

This was very much a Wacky Wednesday!!  McKenzie was up most of the night with the same tummy issues.  This morning I called the doctor and they wanted to see her.  So we went to the doctor and they checked her over (she was feeling fine of course!) asked questions and said it may or may not be a variation of this crazy flu that is going around.  If she is not better by Friday, we get to go back so they can do some tests.  The part that puzzles them is that it is mostly at night, she tends to be fine during the day, and she has thrown up once each day for the last two days, almost at the same time...  Wacky!

After her doctor appt, we went over to my work, where I got some of my stuff done.  I made a little dent.  Very little.  We left to go home and get some dinner.  Alex was doing her paper route and I knew she would be hungry when she was finished.  (She always is hungry!!)  I was just about to eat when work called. "There is a guy here with a pallet of 21 boxes.  What do I do?"
So I went to work after dinner to get these boxes unpacked and in the computer.

This is the halfway point.  I was almost finished with the boxes.  I did get all the boxes unpacked and most of them priced and in the computer.  All I have left is the new product.  Not too bad!

On my way into work, I called Alyssa to say hi and to check on her.  She went to the doctor today and is getting really close to baby time!!  Possibly tonight or tomorrow.  Wacky!!

I am now home and getting ready for bed!  Ready to end this Wacky Day!

Good Night!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

On the mend!

McKenzie woke up this morning (the second time!) and said she felt lots better.  She was fine the rest of the day.  She ate fine and she acted fine.  I am sending her to school tomorrow!  Unless she gets sick again...

This is a flashback picture!

Maybe on Friday's I will post a Flashback Friday picture!  
That could be so fun!  I have LOTS of pictures I could post!

This is McKenzie and Eric from the Bellingham Bells.  This was from summer 2011 (I think!)  McKenzie caught a LOT of foul balls that summer!  Eric's number was #23 and this is the 23rd foul ball that McKenzie got AND Eric hit it!  That was fun!  We love going to the Bellingham Bells games.  I love that they are close and inexpensive. The owners are super nice and the players are great to watch!  We have our seats that we like to sit in and by the end of the season, my girls have all the players names and numbers memorized.  The players also know us! :)  It will be fun to go back this summer... 

Sick kids...

Actually only one sick kid. :(

McKenzie woke up again this morning with a tummy ache. At 5:30!  But my eyes were so blurry, I read the clock wrong and woke Alexandra up in a panic..."Quick, get up and get ready for school, it is past 6:30!" eyes adjusted...after she went into her room to get ready.  "OOOPS! Sorry Alex, It is actually only 5:30 now!"  She promptly grabbed her blanket and went back to sleep for another 45 min!  Oh to be young again and fall asleep to easily.

In the meantime....McKenzie went to the bathroom and was sick.  :(  Her tummy feels a bit better and she has been snoozing off and on this morning. No school for her!  ...and no work for me.  I do have to try and go into work for a little bit today, but we will see how she is feeling later.

Let's hope this bug stops here!!!

I have big plans for today...let's see what I get accomplished from them!  I am hoping to have a nap and clean the cubbies/front entry way today.  But if I only have time for one, I hope it is the nap! :)

Have a great day!  Stay healthy!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Boys are cute!

Especially these two!

                                              Hanging out on the couch eating some toastie!

They got to hang out with me for a couple of hours while Alyssa and Cassie got their nails done.  They watched Xandra play soccer, ate a lot, came over and ate some more, played with toys, and then went home for baths and bed.  Whew!!  All of that in only a couple hours!  They are some busy boys!  And hungry boys!  :)  I always tease Alyssa that she never feeds them.  Even if they have just finished a meal at their house, when I pick them up, the first thing they do at my house is go to the kitchen and say, "I'm hungry!"  This toastie is after they ate their dinner. And their snack. And their other snack.  Then they had a cookie. :)

Cheese! :)
Aiden loves his new motorcycle shirt!  We found it last week when we were consignment shopping.  I am always on the lookout for cool motorcycle shirts for him.  I even found a skateboard shirt!  It was our lucky day!  I just hope the Ryan likes motorcycles and skateboards, because he is getting some hand me downs!

No picture, but I did get in a workout today!  :)  Love this treadmill!!  Tomorrow we go outside for our walk (weather permitting! I heard snow in the forcast :(  )  I like snow...I just don't want to have to go anywhere in it. Since I have to go to work tomorrow, it can't snow.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday - A day of rest

We did sleep in a little bit though.  The nice thing about church starting at 10:30, you have time in the morning to eat breakfast, have a shower, and just rest before it starts!

 The treadmill was set up last night, so this morning after church I did my  first workout on it!  Very fun!  I set it up for a pre-programmed 30 min workout.  It was great!

Mom and I also did our walk today, so I got an extra workout in!  I will probably pay for it tomorrow though!  :)

Merlin was checking out our treadmill.  He thinks it is very comfortable!  Crazy cat!!  You should have seen him jump when the treadmill turned on...accidentally of course :)

 This is the bassinet that I found for little miss Elizabeth! Now we just have to wait for her to make her arrival!  Her baby shower was today.  She has some fun outfits waiting for her, warm blankies, diapers, bibs, sleepers, and lots more...

Her due date is not until Feb 12, but we think she is going to come a little early!  It has been so much fun shopping for her.  I love shopping for the boys too, but little girls have tons more options!  It will be fun to see her little personality.  Is she going to be stubborn? (duh!!) full of little miss attitude? spoiled? (probably!) THE BOSS?!  (she will have competition from her brothers on this one!)  I am very excited to meet this little one!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


My Saturday started at 2am when McKenzie woke up with a stomach ache. :(  She woke up a couple of other times during the night with a stomach ache also.  Thankfully it just stayed as a stomach ache.  She has had one off and on this week, but not usually during the night.
She had two soccer games today. One at 10:30 and one at 4:20.  I got up this morning around 8:30 to check on her and she was up on the couch with her stomach still hurting.  I told her that she was going to have to miss her game and she said, "OK".  That's when I know she was sick!  She doesn't miss soccer for anything!

I went to work for a bit today and when I came home, she was feeling much better.  I still didn't let her play in her afternoon game.  She is feeling much better now.  We went to the Rapids game at the Sportsplex tonight.  The Ranger's did a 50/50 raffle.  The game was great!  It was hard to see from where we were standing, but they won 7-4!  Go Rapids!

I spent my afternoon putting this together:

The picture is a little blury, but I bought a treadmill!!  I am so excited!  I finally got the last screw in tonight and we got to try it out!  I love it!  I have to do a little rearranging in the living room right now to make it all fit, but that is ok.  I think I will eventually put it in the garage, but I am not sure right now.  It does fold up so when it is not being used it doesn't take up so much space.

I went into work for a bit this morning

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy 11 months to Christmas!!

Christmas 2012

In order to celebrate 11 months until Christmas, I thought I would post a few pictures from last Christmas!

Finally!  I am taller than Mike!  :)

How cute are we?!! Lesley had to work, so she didn't make this photo.  This spring, we are going to all meet at a  park and I am going to have my friend take our pictures.  All of the family! In one picutre!  That is my goal...

Ryan got a magnifying glass for Christmas!  Isn't he cute?!!

 Derek (8) McKenzie (10 (11 next week!) Alex (13) and Alyssa (20)

Brother and sister!

I love this one of Joyce and Katherine!

                Here is Lesley and Derek!  She came by after work to hang out for a bit!  So cute!

My little family...

Have a great day!  I am off to work.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Happy Thursday!!

 This is Martha Caron.  She was a baker during the colonial era.  We got to see her tonight give a presentation. She is showing us her store with all of her baked goods on the counter.  Above her head is her sign from in front of her shop.
 This is Martha with some of her supplies that she is showing us.  She told us about a typical day in the life of a baker.
 She did a good job!  She made her outfit too!  She had to borrow her shirt from her sister, but she made her skirt and apron.

Yummmmm!  She made fresh, hot from the oven cookies to share with everybody there.  The chocolate chips were still hot and melty!  All the kids there did a great job!  They researched their occupation very well.  They had to bring artifacts from their chosen profession and talk about what they did.  They also had to write a journal entry about a typical day.  Great job!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday goodies!

This is my little package of fun!  My order from Stampin' Up! was just delivered.  I love getting these deliveries, because I always forget what I ordered and it is like being surprised all over again!  The package you can't see very well is an embossing folder, it has clouds on it.  I love the stamp set!  It says Whalecome!   Get whale soon.  Whale you be mine? and Thanks a ton!   It even has a sizzlet die that will die cut out the whale!  Super fun!  I am excited to play with it...but not tonight!

Alex says that I have the bestest middle daughter in the whole world!  :)

She also says, "Good night folks!  I will see you tomorrow!" 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Monday!

Last night my friend Debbie and I went to the Woods to have a treat and chat.  Lots of fun!  It has been a long time since we have had a long chat.  We are going to have to do it again really soon!!

Good Morning!!  These are the boys after they woke up Sunday morning.  Lots of blankets and stuffed animals.  I love it when they first wake up, they love to snuggle!  We just sit on the couch and cuddle with all of the blankets and animals. Sometimes we read a story.  Then they jump up and are ready for the day!

Tonight, Alex had a soccer training and a soccer game.  She really liked her training and did really well.  Training was from 4-5 and then her game was at 5:50, so she had a break between them to rest and grab a quick snack.  The game was really intense!  The other team was pretty aggressive, but the Rangers did good.  They tied it 3-3.  Right before half time, Alex took a ball to the eye.  She went off the field pretty quick and didn't get right back on. After the game, it was swollen and looked a little blue.  I told her she might even get a black eye from it!

Time to get ready for bed.  The girls had a day off of school today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but tomorrow they have to go back to school!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Busy Sunday

Alyssa had a maternity photo shoot today and the girls and I tagged along.  While we were waiting for Jamie (the photographer) and Alyssa, Richard and the boys to show up, I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures of these two cuties!

After the photo shoot, Mom and I went for a walk.  We had a great walk!  Lots of pictures taken!  We took pictures of us with a lot of the signs we saw.  :)  As we walked across the baseball field, I turned around and saw all of our muddy footprints and our shadows.  Fun picture!  Look how slim we are :) and TALL!

 Stop! and let me tell you....what another fun picture!  This is in front of the library.  We had a long walk around the baseball fields, along the river, and around the library.  Twice!

Legos!  They are everywhere!  Even when you least expect it.  This is on a pole behind the library.

The weather was perfect.  Nice and cold, but sunny enough that we were not freezing.  I am loving this crisp cold weather. Although the mornings and evenings are very cold and foggy.  There is usually ice on the windows of the van and the roads are pretty slickery.  Have to drive very careful!

Happy Sunday!!

Good Morning!!  Ryan and I are up and hanging out waiting for McKenzie and Aiden to wake up.

This is Aiden's new big house.  It is coming along me.  :) This is a picture from before Christmas.  They have their trusses on now and I think that they will be put in place this week or next.  It is so exciting to see it all come together. Alyssa and Richard say they are behind a little.  I don't remember when they are supposed to be done.  I think about June...

Alyssa posted yesterday that there is only 24 more days until we meet Elizabeth!  :)  I think it is going to be sooner than that!!

Aiden and McKenzie are up now,so it is time to eat breakfast and get ready for church!

Have a great day!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Little of this and a little of that

I know the picture is a little blury, but this is McKenzie at her soccer game this morning at 8AM!  Early game!  They played pretty good, not their best game.  

I played around with these pictures in Picassa.  I love editing and playing with the different actions you can do.  I would love to get a different editing program that has more options, but now is not the time for that.

                                                                          Go Mac!!

                                                  Jan Girls Night @ Coconut Kennys!  :)

January is somebody's birthday!  They gave us the number 14 for our order, so I had to take mom's picture with the number.  Her birthday is the 14th of January!  We did a gift exchange and also Katherine and I gave mom her birthday gifts.  I also made funfetti brownies in the shape of hearts!!  So fun!!  Can't wait until February!!  I am going to print the group pictures from all of our girls nights and we are going to put them in scrapbooks!  I bought the scrapbooks at Michaels and I will be gathering some retired SU paper and we are going to play and scrapbook our pictures!  I might be the most excited about it, but that's ok!  :)

                                                    Ryan hanging out at Grandma's house!

                                                            Aiden practicing the drums!

This was from last weekend when the boys came over.  I have these two pointer sticks that teachers use in classroom when they are teaching.  The boys love to use them as drumsticks!  Way to think outside the box boys!  :)  Today when I had them we went over to Lesley's house for dinner and hanging out.  It was fun.  Alex was at a sleepover birthday party, so she wasn't there, but McKenzie and I took the boys. Mom and Day came over and Lesely and Derek were there. (Which was good, since it was their house!)  Aiden and Ryan were happy playing with Derek and his cars and army men.  Then things went from good to bad in a snap and I knew it was time to get those boys home to bed!  We packed up and left and both boys were asleep before we left Bellingham.  I woke them up when we got home because it was only 6:30 and I didn't want them going to bed to early.  We had a snack when we got home and they got their jammies on and snuggled for a bit before it was time for bed. Now it is time for me to go to bed!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ice Skating

Last Saturday, the Rangers put on a free ice skating night for all Rangers and their families.  There were door prizes and the team with the most team members that were there won a prize.  We came in second!  We had 11 of our 17 players and the U14 Royal had 15 girls there.

                                                             U13 Royal!!  Go Rangers!

                                        Thanks Mariana for taking this picture of my girls and I!

We had a lot of fun.  I was one of the only parents that ice skated, but I am not one to pass up a free evening of ice skating!  My skate rubbed on my leg quite a bit and rubbed a spot raw, but other than that, there were no injuries!  A successful evening indeed!

Door prizes...Yeah...McKenzie won free crazy bread and I won a free pizza!  :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

LIghts of Christmas 2012

We tried to go the the Lights of Christmas this year and it just wasn't working out.  Between soccer, work and school, it was hard to find a day we could just go. The last day it was open, I checked the calendar.  We had the day off!!  And we had the boys!!  How fun!  I told Alyssa I wanted to pick the boys up at 2 and keep the boys overnight.  She didn't complain!  When I picked them up, I told Aiden we were going to see LOTS of Christmas Lights.  He was sooooo excited!  His eyes lit up and and he kept asking, when do we get to see the lights?  We FINALLY got there and the lights were beautiful!!! There are millions and millions of lights.

                                Alex (13) McKenzie (10(11 in 3 days!)) Aiden (2) Ryan (1)

                    Who doesn't love fresh, hot, covered in sugar doughnuts!!  They are the best!!!

Ryan LOVES his doughnuts!  ;)

We went on the train ride.  The wait wasn't too long, and it did go pretty quick. It was pretty cold, but we dressed warm and had fun.  Aiden's favorite part of the whole night?  The puddles!!  It had rained the day before and there were puddles everywhere!  Aiden just wanted to jump in each one!  I let him jump in the smaller puddles, but I told him that he couldn't jump in the big puddle until it was time to go home.  He was ready to leave right then!  I bribed him with some "donies" (doughnuts) and some more lights.  When it was time to go home, he had so much fun splashing in the puddles and getting pretty wet.  We got to the car, changed into warm feety jammies and went home.  The boys were asleep before too long.  They slept all night and woke up fresh and happy the next morning.  We had pancakes for breakfast and played for awhile before it was time to take them home.  Fun weekend!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A New Year!

Janaury 16, 2013

Happy New Year!  It has been a long time since I have blogged.  My computer broke so I stopped blogging.  Then I got a new (borrowed) computer (Thanks Mom!) but I forgot all of my information.  Now I have a laptop and decided to see if I could break into my old blog and restart!  I did it!!!  It will take some time for me to figure this out again, but I would like to make it a priority this year.

Girls Night at Coconut Kenny's

We have had Mommy, Sister Dinner's (Girls Night) for the last year and a little bit.  It is so much fun!  We meet once a month, sometimes at a restaurant, sometimes at Mom's house.  We have dinner, talk, catch up, sometimes exchange gifts.    And ALWAYS! take a picture!  Even if they don't want to, I make them!  They will be thankful later!  :)  Our Februrary get together, I am going to print out all the pictures we have and we are going to put them together.  I just bought the scrapbooks last night.  Now I am going to round up some paper (gee....I hope I have enough! LOL) and get the pictures printed.  I look forward to these nights every month.

One of my other favorite things I look forward to is my walks with Mom.  We started last fall during soccer practice.  I decided I needed to be more active so I started walking around the soccer field when the girls had their practices.  Then I invited mom one night...and the rest is history!  We try to walk 3-4 nights a week.  Sometimes we make it, sometimes we can't quite get it all in, but we try and that is what counts!

Good night!