Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Monday!

Last night my friend Debbie and I went to the Woods to have a treat and chat.  Lots of fun!  It has been a long time since we have had a long chat.  We are going to have to do it again really soon!!

Good Morning!!  These are the boys after they woke up Sunday morning.  Lots of blankets and stuffed animals.  I love it when they first wake up, they love to snuggle!  We just sit on the couch and cuddle with all of the blankets and animals. Sometimes we read a story.  Then they jump up and are ready for the day!

Tonight, Alex had a soccer training and a soccer game.  She really liked her training and did really well.  Training was from 4-5 and then her game was at 5:50, so she had a break between them to rest and grab a quick snack.  The game was really intense!  The other team was pretty aggressive, but the Rangers did good.  They tied it 3-3.  Right before half time, Alex took a ball to the eye.  She went off the field pretty quick and didn't get right back on. After the game, it was swollen and looked a little blue.  I told her she might even get a black eye from it!

Time to get ready for bed.  The girls had a day off of school today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, but tomorrow they have to go back to school!

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