Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday - A day of rest

We did sleep in a little bit though.  The nice thing about church starting at 10:30, you have time in the morning to eat breakfast, have a shower, and just rest before it starts!

 The treadmill was set up last night, so this morning after church I did my  first workout on it!  Very fun!  I set it up for a pre-programmed 30 min workout.  It was great!

Mom and I also did our walk today, so I got an extra workout in!  I will probably pay for it tomorrow though!  :)

Merlin was checking out our treadmill.  He thinks it is very comfortable!  Crazy cat!!  You should have seen him jump when the treadmill turned on...accidentally of course :)

 This is the bassinet that I found for little miss Elizabeth! Now we just have to wait for her to make her arrival!  Her baby shower was today.  She has some fun outfits waiting for her, warm blankies, diapers, bibs, sleepers, and lots more...

Her due date is not until Feb 12, but we think she is going to come a little early!  It has been so much fun shopping for her.  I love shopping for the boys too, but little girls have tons more options!  It will be fun to see her little personality.  Is she going to be stubborn? (duh!!) full of little miss attitude? spoiled? (probably!) THE BOSS?!  (she will have competition from her brothers on this one!)  I am very excited to meet this little one!

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