Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy 11 months to Christmas!!

Christmas 2012

In order to celebrate 11 months until Christmas, I thought I would post a few pictures from last Christmas!

Finally!  I am taller than Mike!  :)

How cute are we?!! Lesley had to work, so she didn't make this photo.  This spring, we are going to all meet at a  park and I am going to have my friend take our pictures.  All of the family! In one picutre!  That is my goal...

Ryan got a magnifying glass for Christmas!  Isn't he cute?!!

 Derek (8) McKenzie (10 (11 next week!) Alex (13) and Alyssa (20)

Brother and sister!

I love this one of Joyce and Katherine!

                Here is Lesley and Derek!  She came by after work to hang out for a bit!  So cute!

My little family...

Have a great day!  I am off to work.

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