Tuesday, January 29, 2013

On the mend!

McKenzie woke up this morning (the second time!) and said she felt lots better.  She was fine the rest of the day.  She ate fine and she acted fine.  I am sending her to school tomorrow!  Unless she gets sick again...

This is a flashback picture!

Maybe on Friday's I will post a Flashback Friday picture!  
That could be so fun!  I have LOTS of pictures I could post!

This is McKenzie and Eric from the Bellingham Bells.  This was from summer 2011 (I think!)  McKenzie caught a LOT of foul balls that summer!  Eric's number was #23 and this is the 23rd foul ball that McKenzie got AND Eric hit it!  That was fun!  We love going to the Bellingham Bells games.  I love that they are close and inexpensive. The owners are super nice and the players are great to watch!  We have our seats that we like to sit in and by the end of the season, my girls have all the players names and numbers memorized.  The players also know us! :)  It will be fun to go back this summer... 

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