Saturday, January 26, 2013


My Saturday started at 2am when McKenzie woke up with a stomach ache. :(  She woke up a couple of other times during the night with a stomach ache also.  Thankfully it just stayed as a stomach ache.  She has had one off and on this week, but not usually during the night.
She had two soccer games today. One at 10:30 and one at 4:20.  I got up this morning around 8:30 to check on her and she was up on the couch with her stomach still hurting.  I told her that she was going to have to miss her game and she said, "OK".  That's when I know she was sick!  She doesn't miss soccer for anything!

I went to work for a bit today and when I came home, she was feeling much better.  I still didn't let her play in her afternoon game.  She is feeling much better now.  We went to the Rapids game at the Sportsplex tonight.  The Ranger's did a 50/50 raffle.  The game was great!  It was hard to see from where we were standing, but they won 7-4!  Go Rapids!

I spent my afternoon putting this together:

The picture is a little blury, but I bought a treadmill!!  I am so excited!  I finally got the last screw in tonight and we got to try it out!  I love it!  I have to do a little rearranging in the living room right now to make it all fit, but that is ok.  I think I will eventually put it in the garage, but I am not sure right now.  It does fold up so when it is not being used it doesn't take up so much space.

I went into work for a bit this morning

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