Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

This was very much a Wacky Wednesday!!  McKenzie was up most of the night with the same tummy issues.  This morning I called the doctor and they wanted to see her.  So we went to the doctor and they checked her over (she was feeling fine of course!) asked questions and said it may or may not be a variation of this crazy flu that is going around.  If she is not better by Friday, we get to go back so they can do some tests.  The part that puzzles them is that it is mostly at night, she tends to be fine during the day, and she has thrown up once each day for the last two days, almost at the same time...  Wacky!

After her doctor appt, we went over to my work, where I got some of my stuff done.  I made a little dent.  Very little.  We left to go home and get some dinner.  Alex was doing her paper route and I knew she would be hungry when she was finished.  (She always is hungry!!)  I was just about to eat when work called. "There is a guy here with a pallet of 21 boxes.  What do I do?"
So I went to work after dinner to get these boxes unpacked and in the computer.

This is the halfway point.  I was almost finished with the boxes.  I did get all the boxes unpacked and most of them priced and in the computer.  All I have left is the new product.  Not too bad!

On my way into work, I called Alyssa to say hi and to check on her.  She went to the doctor today and is getting really close to baby time!!  Possibly tonight or tomorrow.  Wacky!!

I am now home and getting ready for bed!  Ready to end this Wacky Day!

Good Night!!

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