Thursday, January 17, 2013

LIghts of Christmas 2012

We tried to go the the Lights of Christmas this year and it just wasn't working out.  Between soccer, work and school, it was hard to find a day we could just go. The last day it was open, I checked the calendar.  We had the day off!!  And we had the boys!!  How fun!  I told Alyssa I wanted to pick the boys up at 2 and keep the boys overnight.  She didn't complain!  When I picked them up, I told Aiden we were going to see LOTS of Christmas Lights.  He was sooooo excited!  His eyes lit up and and he kept asking, when do we get to see the lights?  We FINALLY got there and the lights were beautiful!!! There are millions and millions of lights.

                                Alex (13) McKenzie (10(11 in 3 days!)) Aiden (2) Ryan (1)

                    Who doesn't love fresh, hot, covered in sugar doughnuts!!  They are the best!!!

Ryan LOVES his doughnuts!  ;)

We went on the train ride.  The wait wasn't too long, and it did go pretty quick. It was pretty cold, but we dressed warm and had fun.  Aiden's favorite part of the whole night?  The puddles!!  It had rained the day before and there were puddles everywhere!  Aiden just wanted to jump in each one!  I let him jump in the smaller puddles, but I told him that he couldn't jump in the big puddle until it was time to go home.  He was ready to leave right then!  I bribed him with some "donies" (doughnuts) and some more lights.  When it was time to go home, he had so much fun splashing in the puddles and getting pretty wet.  We got to the car, changed into warm feety jammies and went home.  The boys were asleep before too long.  They slept all night and woke up fresh and happy the next morning.  We had pancakes for breakfast and played for awhile before it was time to take them home.  Fun weekend!!

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