Friday, January 18, 2013

Ice Skating

Last Saturday, the Rangers put on a free ice skating night for all Rangers and their families.  There were door prizes and the team with the most team members that were there won a prize.  We came in second!  We had 11 of our 17 players and the U14 Royal had 15 girls there.

                                                             U13 Royal!!  Go Rangers!

                                        Thanks Mariana for taking this picture of my girls and I!

We had a lot of fun.  I was one of the only parents that ice skated, but I am not one to pass up a free evening of ice skating!  My skate rubbed on my leg quite a bit and rubbed a spot raw, but other than that, there were no injuries!  A successful evening indeed!

Door prizes...Yeah...McKenzie won free crazy bread and I won a free pizza!  :)

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