Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sick kids...

Actually only one sick kid. :(

McKenzie woke up again this morning with a tummy ache. At 5:30!  But my eyes were so blurry, I read the clock wrong and woke Alexandra up in a panic..."Quick, get up and get ready for school, it is past 6:30!"   Then...my eyes adjusted...after she went into her room to get ready.  "OOOPS! Sorry Alex, It is actually only 5:30 now!"  She promptly grabbed her blanket and went back to sleep for another 45 min!  Oh to be young again and fall asleep to easily.

In the meantime....McKenzie went to the bathroom and was sick.  :(  Her tummy feels a bit better and she has been snoozing off and on this morning. No school for her!  ...and no work for me.  I do have to try and go into work for a little bit today, but we will see how she is feeling later.

Let's hope this bug stops here!!!

I have big plans for today...let's see what I get accomplished from them!  I am hoping to have a nap and clean the cubbies/front entry way today.  But if I only have time for one, I hope it is the nap! :)

Have a great day!  Stay healthy!!!

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