Monday, March 24, 2014

Beautiful sunshiny Monday

Today was such a beautiful day outside!!  It was about 65* out today.  
Beautiful sunshine, warm weather, gorgeous day! 

Happy Birthday to the bestest little brother ever!  I love you Mikey! 

March 23-25 are some busy birthday days for our family.  My nephew was yesterday (Happy Birthday Daylon!) My little brother is today! and tomorrow is my dad's and my son-in-law's birthday. (Happy birthday Dad and Richard!)
Our family tends to have birthdays in little bunches. It makes for a couple of crazy days, but I like that instead of all spread out.  My sister and I are all by ourselves (her in April and me in August) but the rest of our family is all bunched together or on a holiday.

In other news, today was Alexandra's orthopedic appt.  She has had some off and on knee pain for a while and her soccer coach suggested that we go get it checked out.  State Cup starts this weekend and we just needed to make sure she was good to play.  She went to the regular doctor a couple weeks ago and had an x-ray done (came back normal) and they referred her to the orthopedic dr.  We went today and he said everything looks good and it is most likely "growing pains".  She has grown so much in the last couple years, that her bones, tendons, and muscles are still catching up.  We are to go back if there is anything else wrong, or if she gets injured, but for now, she is good to go.
This is her knee x-ray.  She thought it was gross and didn't know why I wanted a picture of it.  I thought it was cool.  As long as there aren't any broken bones, I don't mind looking at x-rays.

She even got to wear really cool shorts!  The nurse was laughing at her posing in her shorts and at the end of the appointment, she gave her extra pairs of the shorts to share with her friends!  :)
They are pretty attractive!

1 comment:

  1. Nice legs Alex! So glad that the report turned out good. Now, just let your body catch up with your muscles, bones and all that other stuff! I love you, Grandma Kaye
