Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Happy Wednesday.  We have made it through the first half of the week!  Just a couple more days to go before the weekend, which to me means: 4 soccer games, 3 cities, 2 days, 1 CrAzY mom! :)

These pictures are from Saturday, Feb 22, 2014.  The first of our snow.  We woke up to some snow, but it was just a bit.  We went to our game at Lummi, where it was raining.  No, McKenzie is not carrying a bag of garbage! It is her Ranger soccer bag.  When it rains, there is usually a mom there with garbage bags to put their Ranger bags in to keep their stuff a little bit dry.  I usually keep garbage bags in my car just for that. :)  

Here is an action shot of McKenzie taking the ball away from their forward!  Off she goes to pass it to a midfielder, hopefully who will pass it to a forward, who should then get a goal!  That is how it is supposed to work.  It doesn't always happen, actually, this season, it very rarely happens.  However, she is doing really good and still loves the game!

The only thing that upset her about the two games this weekend, was that there was not any snow on the fields.  She really wanted to play in the snow.  Really bad.  She was also upset this last weekend when our Spokane trip was postponed because of snow. She really, really, really, really wanted to play in the snow.

My compromise?  I will take her pictures in the snow! She was happy with that.

We just took a few in the front yard.  It was pretty cold and windy so we didn't stay out too long.

Beautiful, happy, and cold. :)

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