Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spokane travels and cute boys

This is how the pass looked as we went over it on Friday night.  Very clear roads and tall snow on the sides.  Two weeks before this, the pass was closed because of the snow and cold and we had to reschedule the game.  I much prefer this weather!  

McKenzie played on Saturday and they won 7-0.  She played an awesome game!  Her coach wasn't able to make the rescheduled game because he also coaches boys high school soccer and had a conflict.  We had another coach help out and the girls loved him.  He will be helping out during April for State Cup when our coach has any conflicts.

We got to Spokane late (10 pm) on Friday night, checked in to the hotel and pretty much went right to bed.  Breakfast was early the next morning (7AM!!)  I was already up, because I did not sleep well at all!  I usually do ok in hotel beds, but not this trip.  After breakfast the girls had a team meeting with a homework assignment.  They all went back to their rooms to do their homework and rest and then met at 9:45 to go over their homework and go for a quick team walk.  After the walk it was back to the hotel for a quick and little lunch before checking out of the hotel and heading to our game.

We played at Gonzaga Prep School home of the Bullpups. Yep. Bull pups.  Gonzaga University is the Bulldogs, so the Prep school is the Bullpups.  We thought it was cute.  Not intimidating, or fierce, or tough.  Cute. :)

The team we played was bumped up from Division 4 into our Division (3) this Spring.  They had not yet scored a goal this season.  We did not let them get one during our game.  It was a shutout.  7-0.  So nice after such a long drive!

This is the part I dislike most (except for the snowy pass) about the drive to/from Spokane.  The very long endless stretch of road.  Very. Long.  Endless.

It is pretty for a bit, but after a while I get tired of looking at brown ground and blue sky.  I have to put my car on cruise control because of all the sneaky cops waiting to catch a driver going to fast.  Those sneaky cops caught quite a few.  Almost every one I saw had somebody pulled over, or was chasing someone to pull over.

We got home around 7 on Saturday.  Showered, ate, brought stuff in from the car and went to bed so we could get up early for our home game at 10.  Sunday was a bit rainy but the girls played another awesome game.  We won 4-1. With our two wins, goal differential, and .....We placed FIRST!!! in our division!!  The girls are very excited!  They worked so hard for this.  In Fall we placed second and lost the play-in game and had to stay in our current Division.  Now we move up to Division 2 in the Fall.

On Sunday I went over to Alyssa's to get the key back from her cat sitting while we were gone.  I got to hang out with these two super cute boys.  Their sister was sleeping.

After playing with their toys (I got to be tiny Ninja Turtle) we headed down the stairs and ran into mommy!  So we hung out at the top of the stairs and took pictures with our phones. :)  Ryan and Aiden love to take pictures with phones and are quite good at it.

I love this one of Ry-Guy and mommy. :)  If you ask Ryan what his name is, he will tell you Ry-Guy. :)

I have so many pictures to go through and edit, these are just from my phone, that I better go do a few right now so I can upload them.  Alexandra has her last volleyball game today and it is a home game, so I am going to watch that tonight also.

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