Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday soccer & ice storm

This is what I woke up to this morning.  Ice. Ice on the sidewalk.  Ice on the road. Ice on my car. Ice falling from the sky. Ice everywhere!  We had a soccer game in Shoreline this afternoon and when I woke up to this, I wasn't sure if we would make it out of our driveway, let alone all the way down there.

See!  I even had icicles on my car!  After calling around to some of the other soccer parents, to check roads in their area (they were mostly all fine), we made the decision to go for it!  I started the car, turned up the defrost, and started chiping away at the ice.  It took about 20 min to get all the ice of the windows and the wiper blades.  We left and picked up another player, filled up with gas, and we were off!

So much ice!

After getting down our hill, the roads were fine.  There was some slush in Ferndale & Bellingham, but the rest of the way was RAIN.  Lots of rain. Pouring rain.  Drizzly rain. The girls played in the rain.

The girls played hard.  The other team was fast and physical.  We had to fight hard each time we won the ball.  We had to fight hard to get the ball back each time we lost it.  I am pretty impressed with them today.  Unfortunately, we lost 3-1.

The fun news is that because it was raining out, I was able to use my new camera raincover!  I have a hard time taking pictures in the rain, because I don't want to get my camera wet.  It is hard to hold an umbrella & a camera in the rain and wind.  So today, I just used the camera raincover (it is a special shaped plastic bag that fits over your camera.  It has a hole for the eyepiece and a drawstring for the lens).  It worked great!  I am excited to see how the pictures turned out.  The only downfall is that because the plastic is covering the camera, it is hard to see the picture you just took,  I like to look at them to see if I need to delete, or adjust.

It was a long, fun day of soccer, pictures and friends.  Off to bed to get ready for a new week!

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