Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday flowers

Yesterday (Friday) when I took the girls to school, it was like SPRING!!  It was warm out, the birds were singing, the frogs were croaking, and I looked into my garden and saw these little flowers! :)

My garden needs a little bit of work,but just last week, this was all covered in snow!  I am excited for a little bit warmer weather so I can go work in my yard.  (and yes, I know the weeds are taller than the plants!)

 Last night, Alyssa asked if I could watch the kids for a bit.  Her and Richard wanted to go out.  We went to indoor soccer (Alex had a game) and then went back to their house.  The boys love Mac!  She was sitting on the couch and Ryan climbed on her back, then Aiden climbed on Ryan's back.  They thought is was great when she stood up with them both on her back!

Then it was Ryan's turn to give piggybacks.  He stood up and told Mac, "Get on my back now".

This weekend we have four soccer games.  Saturday, McKenzie is going to Redmond with Jay and Sunday I am taking her to Federal Way.  Alex has home games both Saturday & Sunday.

Off to get ready and packed for soccer!  

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