Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday

First, I am very thankful that this snow is all gone! :)

I love to watch the snow fall.  I love to see all the trees covered in fresh snow. I love how quiet and peaceful the snow is.  I don't love driving in it.  I love how everything looks clean and new and fresh.

We also had some very cool icicles on our house.   They got pretty long.  I was very thankful they didn't fall and hurt us! (Actually, Alex was playing with one and it did break and fall on her cheek.  It didn't hurt too bad! )

We had so much snow!  I am very thankful that we have green grass again.  

I am also very thankful that my foot is not broken.  I am thankful I can wear tennis shoes again (even though they are very loose! :))  I am thankful that most of the bruising and swelling is gone.

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