Monday, March 24, 2014

Lazy weekend

This pretty much sums up my weekend!  The girls didn't have soccer this weekend.  Spring season is over and State Cup games start this weekend.  

Alexandra went camping with a friend.  It was Bella's birthday and she invited a few girls to go camping (in a trailer at a campground) this weekend.  They had a lot of fun!  They went swimming, walking, playing, and even got to see the new Divergent movie that just opened.  Alex was pretty excited about that!

McKenzie and I stayed home.  We cooked, cleaned and watched movies.  We also went for a walk.  On Saturday afternoon we went for a walk.  She wanted to go bowling so I told her to ask her dad to take her.  We ended up walking down to her dad's house and they went bowling and I finished my walk.  We came home about the same time and had some dinner and watched Parent Trap 1 & 2 (with Hayley Mills).

Alex came home this afternoon and we watched Bringing Up Baby (with Katherine Hepburn & Cary Grant).  The girls have seen it before, but not for a while.  It is one of my favorite movies.  Katherine Hepburn is one of my very favorite actresses.  The girls loved it!  They kept laughing and laughing!  They even requested to watch Philadelphia Story tonight! :)  I told them after dinner and homework we would watch it.

I am pretty excited!  Two of my favorite movies in one day and both of my girls want to watch them with me!  (they usually roll their eyes at anything black & white!)  

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