Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This is going to be a crazy, busy week...

I can already tell that this week is going to be insane!  The girls are winding down there "Spring" soccer season and getting ready for State Cup.  Alex is almost done with volleyball.

This is what our yard looked like yesterday.  Today most of it is gone with just a few small patches where the snow was piled pretty high.  It is nice to see green grass again! :)

I got the soccer schedules for the girls on Sunday night and Alex told me yesterday about a make-up volleyball game (from the snow) that is scheduled for tomorrow.  We are also making up some soccer games because of the snow also.  Between all of the regular soccer/volleyball & the make-up games, I am busy driving all over the place every night this week!  None of the girls schedules coordinate, so I have one at soccer and the other is at home, next night it is reversed.  I see a lot of crock pot meals in my future this week!  

I can handle anything for a week!  I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.  Next week will be a lot calmer! 

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