Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekend recap Soccer & Seuss

We had two soccer games on Saturday and two games on Sunday.  Both of the girls had one each day.
All the pictures are still on my camera.  I have not had time to upload and edit them.  There are a lot!  I was able to see three games and took pictures at those three games. 

Jay took McKenzie to her Redmond game on Saturday.  Both girls played at 1pm in different cities, so I couldn't watch them both.  McKenzie had an awesome game!  They won 4-1.

Alex's team also did well.  They won 1-0 with an own goal.  They dominated most of the game but had trouble getting it in the net.  It was rainy and windy and the wind tried hard to move the ball around.  They had a shot on goal and the goalie blocked it, but then she dropped the ball and accidentally kicked it back into the goal.  

Saturday night after soccer we came home and had some dinner and warm showers to warm up.  The girls were pretty drenched from all the rain.  We were going to just stay home and watch a movie and relax, but Ferndale High School was putting on their yearly play.  This year it is Seussical the Musical.  

So. Much. FUN!!  There was not any seating left when we got there.  People actually had to leave because even with the extra chairs there was not enough places to sit.  Alex had some friends save her a seat, so she got to sit down.  McKenzie and I stood on the edge near the back.  There was a single seat right next to us and one next to that with a reserved sign on it.  I was telling McKenzie that she could sit in the empty seat and I would just stand next to her, when an usher came up to us and asked if  we needed seats.  I asked if they had two that were together, and he took off the reserved sign and let us sit right there!  It was in the way back, but we got to sit in seats next to each other. :)

The picture is taken with my phone from our way back seats, but it was so colorful and bright I had to take a picture.  They are also playing it next week, (Thurs, Fri, & Sat) and I highly recommend it!  I LOVE Dr. Seuss and the Ferndale Drama always does a fantabulous job with their productions! 

Sunday, was more soccer.  McKenzie and I left at 6am for Federal Way for her 10am game.  Well fought and well played.  They were a pretty aggressive team and fought just as hard.  We ended up with a tie 1-1.  After the game we made a quick pit stop to Subway for lunch and headed back up to watch Alex in her 2 pm game.  We made it with 30 min to spare!  

Alex played a great game.  They ended up losing 2-0.  In the first half, one of our players had a handball in the box and got a red card. :(  It was not intentional, but the rules say any hand balls in the box are red carded.  She had to leave the field and was not allowed to play the rest of the game.  We also had to play one player down, because we were not allowed to replace her.  They got a PK and our goalie made an AMAZING save and block the ball from going in!  We played very hard, but between being down a player and having only one sub (because of injuries & sickness) we just were not able to get it in the net.  They played great and are so much fun to watch!

We are now home and getting ready for our week.  Finishing homework, working on papers, eating dinner, and just relaxing.

I am off to finish my paper and edit some soccer pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging Kellie! I love reading your adventures! You are a great writer and photographer to. Love Mom
