Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March birthday madness continues

March has so many birthdays in my family!
My niece Miranda turned 19 on the 9th, my nephew turned 20 on the 23rd.

My brother Michael is on the 24th and my dad is on the 25th.
(By the way, I LOVE this picture of the two of them!  It is not very often I can get good pictures of my dad, he tends to flee or make goofy faces when I bring my camera out!)

My son-in-law, Richard, is also on the 25th.
(This was taken at Tennent Lake last spring.)

 My cousin Brady had a birthday on the 20th.  This is my Uncle Lyle and Brady in May 2013.

That is what I can remember for family birthdays in March.  I may have forgotten somebody (sorry!!) and I didn't even write down friends birthdays for March!

Crazy busy birthday month!

The girls have a half day today.  Which I think is a little bit silly since they are out of school all next week for Spring Break.  If they are going to have a half day, make it Friday and start Spring Break a little early! :)

Alexandra has a strings concert tonight after soccer practice and she stayed after school to practice with her group.  They are playing Gauntlet tonight. I have heard them a few times (they played it at the Solo/Ensemble Contest) and they are amazing!  It is a beautiful piece and they play it very well.  It is a group of 5 of them (Alex is 1st violin) that have been together since 5th grade strings and each year they play a special piece together that they get to work on.

I am off to go cut up a watermelon now! :)  McKenzie has requested watermelon in slices and not cubed up.  She picked one out at the grocery store and has asked me to cut it slices...every day.  I am now going to cut it up for her!  She will be a very happy camper!

Have a great day and enjoy that spring sunshine out there!!!

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