Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Some fun volleyball and soccer pictures

I have a hard time with indoor gym pictures.  I have not edited these yet.  I put my camera on manual and played around with some different settings.  
This was during the warm-up.  Alex did a great job spiking the ball! :)  She did way better than my camera shows! ;)
During the game, they all have to be in their correct positions, however, sometimes they need to switch sides after the ball is served.  Alex and Logan are ready to switch sides! 

I love watching my girls play soccer!!  They love the game and it shows.  These are from McKenzie's Federal Way game.  I love the intensity that she shows when she is attacking the ball.

...and the concentration she shows when following the play and tracking where the ball is.  Getting ready to make her next move.

My favorite is when she is walking off the field after the game! 

These are from Alex's games this weekend.  I also love her intensity on the field.

No, she is not pushing this girl in the back...she is just going for the ball and the girl got in the way.  ;)  This girl, #3 from the other team, was Alex's mark during the game.  Alex was on her like glue.  She made some great blocks and tackles.

During the game, one of our players had a hand ball in the box.  That is an automatic red card and they are out for the rest of the game.  The other team got a PK and our goalie (Logan) made an AMAZING save and did not let them get the goal!!!  Yeah Logan!

This is Alex and Logan celebrating the amazing save!

This weekend we are on a road trip to Spokane for soccer.  Fun times!

Enjoy this beautiful sunny week we have been having.  I am so ready for Spring!!!

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