Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Do the Puyallup...

This is Alyssa with our 4 winning tickets! Yeah Alyssa!

We did a lot of walking! Lots and lots of walking. We were very tired at the end of the day!

This was our hand stamp to get back in the fair. It said DO THE PUYALLUP

Part one....

It all started last week.....Kendy called me and told me to listen to Spirit 105.3 and play the name game. At 1:00 the name was Alyssa, and if you were the 5th caller and were either Alyssa, or Alyssa's parent (that was me!) then you win. What did you win? I didn't know. I didn't really care...I didn't really think I would win.

So.....I wait untill 1:00 and hear...Alyssa, be the fifth caller right now....And I dialed that phone......"you are caller number 1."


Quick hang up and try again! ......

"Good afternoon...what is your name?"

WHHOOOOO! I WON! I was caller number 5!

"My name is Kellie....(Silence on the other end)....but I am Alyssa's mom!

"Congratulations! You just won 4 tickets to the Puyallup Fair with 7 rides each!

And that is how we ended up going to the Puyallup Fair.....on a Sunday....really far away!

But we had ssooooooo much fun!

This is the Sky Ride. I forget what they call it. You get to go in this little bucket and travel 70 feet in the air and ride all the way to the other side of the fair. And you get to pay for it...one ticket for one way...two tickets if you want to come back...we didn't go back :) We rode it all the way across the fair, got off, and started our travels from that end.

This is us 70 feet in the air! No one looks terrified....we also aren't looking down either! :) We had a great day! (Thanks Alyssa for the great photo!)
More later on the brain! :)

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