Saturday, September 26, 2009

I only took 293 pictures....

This photo was taken by photographer McKenzie the soccer field today! McKenzie had my camera for part of Alexandra's game and she took about 53 pictures. If you do the math.....that is a lot of pictures!!

Alexandra getting ready to score her goal!

She is so fast!

Alexandra's game was at 9:15 this morning. She played Lakeside (they are ranked #1) and they did an AWESOME job! The final score was 4 to 6 (we did not win) but the coaches told the girls to not count this as a loss, because they played hard and they played very well! Alexandra got 1 of the goals and assisted in at least one other one. She is such a fabulous player. I love to watch her zip around the field. One second she is in front of you, the next second she is across the field. It makes getting pictures a little hard with her zipping around everywhere :)

This was a fun shot! She was laying on the grass playing with the ball, so I started snapping pictures. Then we decided to put the ball on her feet. Cute!

McKenzie had a 12:30 game. They got to play the pumpkin team :) They played Blaine, but their colors were black and orange and they looked like pumpkins! McKenzie is FAST!! I don't remember her score but I am pretty sure they won. I think it was 5 to 4?? I know she got a couple of goals. I love the determination on McKenzie's face when she is going after the ball. Nothin' and nobody better get in HER way!

The other team seemed to be a bit taller than our team. There were a couple of girls on their team that we wondered how old they really were.
McKenzie scoring her goal!! It really did go in!

When McKenzie saw Alexandra doing it, we thought we would give it a try. Too Cute!

Alyssa had her first color guard competition in Silverdale today. She just called me with the update. They didn't do very well in the prelims. In the finals, the got 2nd in AA!! Yeah team! She was pretty excited! I was too! I am planning on going to the finals in Auburn in November and I don't want to travel that long for a non winning team. And since the Ferndale football team is not doing very well (we lost 31 to 0 last night to Lynden!) we need a winning band/guard team!

Ignore the creative mess under the curtains please!

In other random news....I have new curtains! They were a pain in the patootie to put up, but they look so grown up. I can't wait for next month when I will try to get the curtains for the big window! (PS mom, I might need a helping hand with the hemming up of the too long part :) you will need to come over for a peek!) This is not the best picture, but they are beautiful!
Have a happy Saturday!

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