Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Puyallup Fair...Final Post!

Alyssa's FAVORITE rides were the roller coasters! She loved, loved, loved them! Her and Alexandra went on the going through the water roller coaster. McKenzie was a couple of inches too short, so she wasn't able to ride them. Later in the day we all rode the WILD CAT roller coaster. WOW!!! Scary stuff! It was a pretty big roller coaster, not the biggest one there, but I thought it was pretty big. Alyssa and Alexandra rode in front and McKenzie and I rode behind them. McKenzie was tall enough for this one, but I think half way through the ride she was thinking she might not want to be tall enough. She did great (me too!) but neither one of us wanted to do it again. Alyssa did though! Later on, Alyssa's last ride was the big coaster! It was too dark for me to get a good picture, but she had fun!

We also rode the Ferris Wheel. When we were up in the air, Alyssa took some pictures of the ground and some of the fair. It was pretty cool. We saw tons of places that we missed! It was pretty late in the day, but we saw a couple of things that we wanted to see.

Alexandra, McKenzie and I rode on the swings while Alyssa did the BIG COASTER!

Near the end of the day, we walked past this tent that said "Take a tour of Africa". Since Alexandra and us, just adopted children from World Vision, we thought that would be so cool to see what it would be like in Africa. When we walked in the tent, Alexandra said, "Look Mom! There are more kids to adopt!" It was a World vision tent! We got to take a "passport" and tour different "parts" of Africa. They had a different sections were they saw and did different activities. There was the Clinic, the School and work. They got to carry water from the "village" to the "clinic" to see what it would be like. It had lots of fun information and facts. The girls even got to play African instruments (that's what they are doing in the picture), and grind corn.

It was a great display. I think the girls (and I) had a great time learning and getting a first hand look at where our "kids" are. It was probably my favorite part of the whole day.

I couldn't resist this picture! McKenzie's favorite animal is an elephant. We saw this cardboard cutout and I told her to stand next to it. When I looked on my viewfinder to preview the picture, I couldn't believe it! It totally looked 3D!

All in all...the day was a fun one. We left the house around 8:30 Sunday morning and got home around 10:30 that night. It was long! It was FUN! I would do it again if we got free tickets, free rides, AND some food coupons! I would even buy the rides if we got a good discount on the food!

We shall see what happens next year! For was a great time, and if I scrap it soon....we will remember it for a long time!

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