Friday, September 25, 2009

Only 3 months until Christmas!!!

Are you ready? Have you made a list? Checked it twice? Started your sewing, crafting, baking? Me either! The weather has been so beautiful lately...It is hard to think that it is already fall and that Christmas is right around the corner! I do have some ideas for Christmas gifts this year, but nothing has been started.

I bought curtains for one of my living room windows yesterday. I even bought a curtain rod to hang them on! I am trying to put them up now. By hand. With a manual screwdriver, not a power one. I am a little frustrated. Although when I am done, it is going to look sooo grown up! All that I will need to do is clean my stampin' stuff (again!) and get curtains for the other super big window.

Today was a work day at Launching Success. It went by pretty fast. We were very steady. It was the last day for MP3 to charge their homeschool stuff, and I couldn't believe how many people came in and shopped for their stuff today! (OK I kinda can believe it!) SSOOOOOOO much inventory to put in...11 more boxes today! On a happy note....we got the shipment of Signing Time DVD's in and I put them in the computer! I am so excited that we are carrying those DVD's! I love them! THey are for younger kids, but the girls and I watch them and we have learned so many signs from them.

This is Alyssa at the Puyallup Fair with her camera and her sock case! Very creative!

(I hope it is a clean sock Alyssa!)

Tomorrow is a super busy day. Alyssa has her first Color Guard competition tomorrow in Silverdale. She has to be on the field at the high school by 7 o'clock tomorrow. And yes, that is 7AM!! They have been practicing quite a bit so we will see how they do. GOOD LUCK ALYSSA!

These two cuties....



have soccer games again tomorrow! Alexandra's game is at 9:15 AM!! and McKenzie plays at 12:30. So.....if you are not doing anything......come and watch! It is a lot of fun to fight the traffic, wade through the little soccer people, dodge the random soccer balls flying through the air, stand in the wind, rain, beating down sun, (all usually in the same game!) and watch these two fabulous soccer stars play a great game!!

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Don't forget to start on your Christmas stuff!

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